The SYN531R is an UHF ASK receiver IC in a smallSOP-8 package which operates at 300MHz to450MHz with typical receiving sensitivity of -109dBm.The SYN531R is a Weaver architecture receiver forASK and OOK modulation such as pulse widthmodulation, variable pulse modulation, Manchestermodulation and so on. The Weaver receiver alsoprovides image rejection function to remove the imageband and selects the desired signal.The high integrated SYN531R uses the low cost8-Lead Small Outline Package (SOP-8), no extraxternal component is required except two capacitors(CTH and CAGC), reference crystal and antennamatching network.
The SYN531R provides the Shut Down function pin(SHDN).
 300MHz to 450MHz Frequency Range
 -109dBm High Sensitivity, 1Kbps and BER
10E-2 @ 315MHz and 433.92MHz
 Image Rejection Function
 Low Power Consumption
 Excellent Selectivity and Noise Rejection
 No External IF Filter Required
 Low External part count
 SOP-8 Package Typ |